The Aggressive Approach to Business Marketing

Business and Enterprise

The Aggressive Approach to Business Marketing

It is said that a good product sells itself. While that is true to some extent, people have to know about your product somehow, before they would consider trying it out- and that is the work of marketing. There are only two cases in which the claim of a product selling itself completely holds true: 

  1. When there is already an awareness of the product the product and the need of it.
  2. Where there is absolutely no competition or alternative to it.

While there may be a good chance that people are aware of their need of your product, there is almost no product without a competition. And the stiffer the competition, the more you need to push for visibility.

The necessity born out of this situation is what we know as AGGRESSIVE MARKETING.   

Aggressive marketing is an approach that involves direct and relentless communication with a business’s prospects. It is characterized by constant engagement, sometimes driven by tactically provocative actions in order to generate reactions and memory. 

You want to ensure that at every turn, your business is seen. So the more aggressive you are, the more aware people are of it. .

This sounds promising, doesn’t it? But don’t just jump right to it; because as with everything, aggressive marketing comes with its pros and cons. For instance, while you stand a chance of being seen and remembered, you can also risk becoming an irritant before you are able to generate a substantial amount of leads. Visibility does not equate relevance. So it must be done right.

This is why I want to share with you things to consider in order to get the best from it.

But before then, do you think there a limit to the channels through which you can market aggressively? The answer to that is a big NO. Aggressive approach can be adopted both online and offline. 

Examples of aggressive marketing offline are

  1. Activation: When you see physical display of brands on streets and malls with elements of showmanship such as music blaring and dancers performing, these are examples of product or brand activation. The idea behind is to get attention and create fondness for the brand. 
  2. Regular distribution of printed materials at every possible touch point. This includes places unrelated to your business including where they shop, socialize and worship
  3. Cold calls
  4. Face-to-face marketing which include scheduled meetings, exhibitions and events. 

Online, aggressive marketing include:

  1. Running ads on social media, coupled with pop-up banners and videos on websites and YouTube. 

Now to the real business:

First of all, being seen is not the ultimate- it is only a means to an end. So, you must be seen in a positive and interesting light. If you get attention and do not spark interest, your marketing has failed. 

Therefore, before you get aggressive, consider the following:

  1. Let you message stand out: Remember you’re marketing more actively for competition. Your audience is already bombarded with too many similar messages. You do not want to add to the overload, instead you want to stand out and cut through the clutter. So, you must figure out one thing that others are not doing yet, or something they are doing but can be done differently. 

Taking online video campaigns for example, if others are making illustrations, you may decide to tell stories. But now that everyone is telling stories, you can decide to tell yours differently. For instance, instead of humans talking about shoes in a shoe advert, imagine an animated pair of shoes is of a different class among its peers, telling the story of how it automatically transfers the same status to its buyers.  

  1.  Put your customer first: Humans are selfish; your customers are no exception. Once they see a sales message or get approached by a sales person, the prime question is their mind is, “what is in it for me”. They do not care about you or the growth of your business, or how you must sell to feed. The history of your business is no concern of theirs. So, don’t go boasting how you’ve been in business for centuries; else they may dismiss you in their minds with, “it’s not how far, but how well”. Instead, let your words point to the benefits of your product.  Many people promote their business online and offline, boasting about features and they wonder why they’re not getting sales. If you must go on about your business, it should be a recounting of how people’s lives have improved by their contact with your business, to solidify the claim that they can get the same result. 
  1. Address the right emotion: Humans are emotional beings. If you will have their money, endeavor to have their heart first. For every solution offered by any product, there is an emotion that drives the desire for it. If you’re selling slimming tea for example, weight loss is the result. But the emotion that motivates purchase the desire to feel beautiful. So, if you must sell well, address the pain point of poor body image and how your slimming tea will transform them to the cynosure of all eyes.

And that’s it on the aggressive approach to marketing. DO not forget that knowing is not as gainful as implementing what you know. So, always implement and be positive about getting results. 

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